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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

If you are wondering why i don't have much photos, it's because i have probs with my PC and it's not my fault. HAHA. And just to tell you, i'm posted to Nanyang JC. Yay. Arigato, Lord Jesus. Well, hopefully, i'll spend 2 awesome years there and maybe bring people to the Lord's lost and found department haha. Actually it has been a tough choice choosing my school. It was Pioneer or Nanyang. Because, Pioneer offered me a better chance of building my prestige and Nanyang offered a life of being a normal student there. But since it has a better study environment, NYJC(almost typed NJC..., phew!) here i come.

Hmm, my pay is out, although it's quite minimal, i don't mind. Money's not an issue and i don't spend much. Except that pair of sport shoes i bought for school haha. Cos now in JC, i can wear coloured shoes!!!!!!!!!!
Thought i would meet someone at cwp but nah... haiya. And i've been wanting to watch legion with my friends till i realised a fact... I've no friends...T.T ALEYENAI(Jap for : HOW COULD THIS BE!!!!!!)!!!!!!!!!!!!

But i know i still have amazing buddies supporting me and partially it's my fault for not inviting them to watch too. Hehe pai seh. Anyway gotta go sleep now, cos i have to wake up and reach NYJC at 7.30am. now i have to wake up early again. Aiya!!!

6:41 AM


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hi! Sorry for not posting for so long.

Firstly, i'll like to extend a late but warm welcome to year 2010. No one said life could get any easier, but we'll live through it, while keeping our focus on God and his work. Well as a kid, new years are always hard to get used to..Especially when they ask you things like.. "What's your age?" and etc. You'll be unable to answer immediately cos it'll still register in our jag-lagged brains. Haha.

Secondly, i've great news to share!!! I've got 11 points for O levels and now after a quick enlightenment, i've realised that i could actually cut off 1 point to get just 10. So now i can try for Nanyang JC. YA-HA!!! I love myself..

Thirdly, i'll like to thank my friends and readers for putting up with my nonsensical posts and not complain about them. Haha. So i can't promise much but this is not the last you'll see of me!! SEEYA!

9:27 AM
